Welcome to Strathclyde Loch Sailing Club

Sunday Sailing


Strathclyde Loch Sailing Club (SLSC) is a long established (1978) Dinghy Racing and Sailing Club. SLSC is affiliated to the Royal Yachting Association (RYA).  SLSC is also an RYA Recognised Training Centre. Unfortunately our training programme has been disrupted by Covid-19.

The Club is based at Strathclyde Loch, part of Strathclyde Country Park. Just off the M74 at junction 6. Convenient if travelling from Glasgow. The Park borders Motherwell and Hamilton areas so easy access on local roads as well.

As part of the winter programme we meet twice a week, Sunday and Friday mornings,all year round.

During summer, April - September, we meet on Wednesday evenings.The summer programme restarts in spring 2021.

We can be found in the Dinghy Compound adjacent to the Water Sports Centre.  Covid-19 restrictions means changing rooms, showers and toilets are currently unavailable.

SLSC is an open and friendly club. Qualified Club members are eligible to hire Picos, Lasers and Wayfarers at reasonable cost, £5 per person

If interested in sailing send an email to secretary@strathclydelochsailing.com or on mobile: 07801283956

Sailing and access to the compound will be strictly limited to comply with current regulations. To book sailing or access to the compound please contact the Secretary as above.

10th October 2020 - Covid-19 temporary restrictions in the Central Belt

All sailing activities are suspended until further notice.

For latest RYA Guidance, at 3rd November, copy and paste this link into your browser





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How to find us